Others - Completed - Cockwork Industries: Complete Edition [v4.19] [Digital Seductions]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is mostly carried by the nice renders and hot girls. Gameplay isn't very good. Skip this one if you hate games that are annoying and tedious to play. If you don't mind that sort of the thing then you might enjoy the game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Bryon Smothers

    Let's start with the first thing you see the graphics. The character models are clearly daz models and that's a plus for me. Daz models are some of the best other than handmade models. The locations inside the building are okay designed not great but not poorly laid out.

    The interface is of poor design to move from one room to other you often have to scroll off screen to reveal the exit. That is bad game design. Always make the exit clearly visible no matter where you are. Don't make the player have to do anything more than needed to navigate from room to room. The other interactive objects are a nice touch.

    The mini-games are bad in this game. The good touch, bad touch is nice but I have seen it done a lot better in other h-Games. The mini-game with the circle and you have to hit it in the correct zone is awful. This is bad in every game I have ever played. I wish developers would abandon this type of mini-game forever.

    The Story
    The story is not that good. The whole thing boils down to there is a secret project they are working on and there is a spy that openly comes out to the first BBM she sees. That just seems like lazy writing to me. I don't mind the amount of dialogue you have to read but a feature to skip stuff you already read is sorely lacking. Making replay not interesting.

    Over All
    If you like visual novels this feels very much like one but with the bad mini-games. If you have the patience to make it through them you are nicely rewarded but most of the time you will miss the h scene because you are focused on getting the awful mini-game correct to progress.

    For me, this is a skip. I would play this again if they stripped out the mini-games but that's the only way.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The positive
    The woman are stunning in this game.

    The negative
    The mini-games suck. Instead of focusing on the action on screen you instead spend your time pissed off at the poor the design of the mini-games. (Was this even play tested?)

    The game has a bad design all around from the pan to the side of the screen to exit rooms to the UI all bad.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A good quality game. Unlike most games that focus on just constant sex, this is unique. There is a story line and it causes you to replay it until you get all the secrets. Renders are amazing especially if you have a 1080p screen. It has all the hallmarks of a professional game. Definitely a 10/10
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game, I really do... But I just can't. The renders and animations are stellar, some of the best I've seen in a porn game, and the writing is solid with a story and characters that are actually pretty interesting (andrea and the receptionist are god-tier and I wouldn't mind seeing them in another game).

    But everything else falls flat. The gameplay is a major pain. Instead of being the highlights of the game, the sex scenes are a living hell to get through because all of your attention has to go to the tedious minigames and the pacing is sooooooooo sloooooooooooow because the minigames drag on forever... The minis aren't difficult if you take the time to read the instructions, but they take so long and require you to constantly concentrate, leaving you unable to pay any attention to the real action going on between the characters. And when you've cleared the mini-game for one scene, the game automatically moves on to the next scene so you can't even pause and enjoy the action.

    The limited saves is also a problem, especially because there is no save between the orgy and the conversation with andrea, so if you pick the wrong option and want to repeat the conversation, you have to do the orgy all over again and it kills the game. Just add unlimited saves and don't intentionally obstruct the player by limiting his save options in some misguided attempt to add difficulty or player involvement to the game... this isn't Dark Souls, it's a fapgame meant to be played one-handed.

    The lack of visible scores or points with the girls is also really dumb. I've never managed to fuck Lucy or Andrea (have gotten the other girls though). Obviously that means I am choosing the wrong dialogue options, but without a visible indicator I have no idea of knowing which options I got right and which I got wrong, and replaying the game to try all the possible combinations of the many dialogue options is such a drag (because of those slow-ass mini-games and limited saves) that I'd rather gouge out my own eyes. Also, the last mini-game is nigh impossible if you only have a touchpad on your laptop.

    The idea that you also have to complete the game to unlock sex scenes you've already done is also a huge bummer and the fact that the game deletes your data everytime you begin a new playthrough is asinine for a game that, by the developers own admission, is meant to be played more than once because you can't get everything in one playthrough.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion, this game, including annoying minigames and non natural (in all senses) boobs and other disadvantages, is still better than 60% of all games in this segment. Animations, sounds, unique characters, interactive gameplay. The game surpasses most of the raw materials can find here. It's not excellent, but imho this game diserves more then 1-star mark, just because "minigames don't let me see the scene fully'.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is ruined by those grotesque transexual's breasts that seem to fall up, and over all, minigames. It'ls suppose that this game could be replayed several times in order of getting all the achievements, but does the devs really think that someone want to repeat again and again that annoying thing of clicking when the dot is passing through the blue zone? During a sexual scene? I'm sorry, but the plot and generic characters (the MC is a muscular black bald guy... could be more generic?) are not so interesting to justify such a waste of time.

    A piece of advice for the devs: remove the minigames. They are not "engaging", just extremely irritating.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Good renders (although the fake tits are awful and all the girls seem to have the same body) and kinky (although absurd) story, but the minigames totally destroy the fun in the game. I don't know why somebody can think that any player would like to click a moving dot during the sex scenes of the game. You can click the fucking dot, or can see and enjoy the scene, but not both. I have abandoned the game after the third day in the game. The minigames are just too annoying.