Others - Completed - Cockwork Industries: Complete Edition [v4.19] [Digital Seductions]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun point and click game where you interact with the employees of a company and help them finish their science project. There's loads of eye candy you will like, if you haven't seen this VN before, give it a try, you won't regret it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The best I have played in a long time! Smooth animations and very fucking wild! The art style is outstanding! and the dialogue is good to. the story is stupid but the rest of the game makes this a non-issue. You get to play as a black guy which is great! And very rare! The selection of LI's is about 5, and they are all varies with different body types and personalities!

    Give this a try! Its easily 5*! And its finished!!!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the game that brought back my love ro adult games. although its not a VN, and has a black protag with a BBC!

    In this gem, the girls truly steal the show with their breathtaking beauty and captivating personalities. Each character is a masterpiece in her own right, drawing players deeper into the game's dystopian laboratory setting with every interaction.

    What sets this game apart is its simplicity and coherence in storytelling. The plot unfolds seamlessly, keeping players engaged and invested in the fate of the characters. It's a refreshing change of pace from the convoluted narratives often found in similar games.

    I understand if some players see the MC and get intimidated but i am not one of them!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Short but sweet game.

    Wish there were more scenes for all the girls, but the existing scenes are fine.

    Gameplay is mostly point and click but that's fine since the focus is how to advance the story and unlock the scenes of the different girls.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    Another dissapoitment in a long list,a type of game that looks good and has some credentials (supposedly) but turns out to be just a polished turd.

    I dont recommend this game and I didnt enjoy it for 3 primary reasons:
    -Gameplay is very stale,all you do is walk around and talk to them,dialogue is not interesting or deep,it is something you hear from highschool kids or even worst plus the characters feel shallow as does the protag,the whole "inventory management"is a huge lie the items are easy to find and aren't difficult to use,no puzzles,no "multiple playthroughs" no creative way to finish a quest or dialogue.

    -the "foreplay" and "interactive sex scenes" are in my view not worth the effort and aren't appealing nor revolutionary functionaly or in theory

    -Endings and scenes aren't rewarding nor well done,practically makes you wonder why you even played it at all

    -The only saving grace of the game is the art which isnt that bad but not that great either,scenes are rather generic but its ok.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I rather enjoyed this game, artwork is top notch and there are some interesting kinks. Gameplay is a bit repetitive but the grind is worth it. They've made a similar game called Countess in Crimson that is also worth checking out if you're into this.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Discovered this game just now and played it. A lot of the 1 star reviews are complaining about the sandbox grind esp during h-scenes. I agree it's bad, but nowhere near 1 star bad. I played and finished it twice in an hour, first in "adventure" aka sandbox grind mode and then non-grindy story mode. The guide included with the game was very helpful about where to find what... so again, not that bad. The story mode still requires click-small-objects-on-a-screen "gameplay", which is annoying but tolerable imo.

    Anyway, renders and anims equal and perhaps surpass any other 3d porno game I've played. I mean the previews in the OP speak for themselves. This kind of quality is usually found in the work of creators who specialise in standalone 3d lewd art/anims/comics. The fact this was developed in 2018 makes it even more impressive.

    Writing, chars, story etc do their job, which is to maintain the reader's interest while complementing the porno content (instead of monopolising the attention of the reader at its expense). It's a short game, but I can't really criticise it for that because it's a completed product. Better a short story that has a coherent and definite ending than a never-ending cavalcade of pornified soap operatic trash claiming to be a "story driven adult vn"!

    So yeah, despite the unnecessary sandbox and minigame bullshit, I'm giving it 5/5.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The girls look wonderful in this game.

    Problem is mainly the fact that the game feels more like a (big?) introduction to some lore and universe rather than a full game.

    That being said, it is one of the best looking adult game you will find here, without doubt.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    A very poor in content, old type 2d point'n'click short adventure game with 3cgd models used in short sex scenes). This means a series of boring and repetitive short fetch quests along the static (story wise) background in order to unlock a very short (2 frames of animation loop) sex scene (or rather a static sprite: a girl has a dick in mouth, cut to black, her face's covered in white glue, end.) Nice quality backgrounds only disguise lack of content. Story is just an excuse to show scantily clad, genetically modified (big fake boobs) women and game experience is like: "welcome stranger, if you help me find x, repair y i will reward you with sex, bye." It makes absolutely no sense and it's very anticlimatic. Whole gameplay is about which girl you chose to help to unlock her sex scene. If you want another sex ending you must replay the whole game. All girls are antipathic and have attitude of fedex (quests) dispatcher. Defiantly dressed is an understatement. Overexaggerated and more fake than a plastic sex-dolls. They are supposed to be scientists or office workers but walk naked. I don't complain over sex but I certainly complain over being disappointed. The interface is clunky and slow, a save point is only on a particular point in the map, there's no skip button for all those boring "conversations" or back button if you double clicked and missed a line of dialogue but there are two different buttons to interact with objects. That UI is crap, and whole fetch quest concept was good thirty years ago but now it's just barely playable, making it the opposite of fun.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Simon the Panda

    I like this game alot! The MC is pretty hot, and the girls? WOW! Even better! The renders are very realistic and i think that the idle animation look good too. the xxx animations are very well done and more importantly, the game is finished!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite games on here. The renders are fantastic, the women varied in the personalities and dialogue, and the gameplay doesn't get in the way of enjoying the view. In my opinion, this is the perfect kind of game for the genre - it's simple puzzle solving, but there are enough hidden parts and unlockables to make it interesting. It also builds up the sexual tension gradually so that you enjoy the reward by the end. I wished more games used this template.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Cockwork industries (complete version) is a pretty decent game. Not perfect, of course, but pretty decent overall. Gampeplay is a bit like a classic point-and-click adventure, with some choices to make and a few puzzles to solve. It's short, that's true, but does have some replay value. The story is, IMO, not too interesting though, which is a point against the game.

    Render quality is pretty decent and so are sex scenes, but doesn't have as many options or scenes as other games.

    Overall, it'd be a 6/10 or something like it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot girls and great graphics. The skin and body seem very realistic. The girls and beautiful, hot and have perfect bodies to crave for. A bit hard to play if you are only focused on fap though. Just need an option for minigame bypass and it will be the best. Thankyou so much for this game
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Unknown Developer

    While this game does have an impressive graphic quality, its story is lame, and a nobody Is not only the protagonist, but he also saves the day in the end, doing things anyone could do and yet, nobody else did. It is not like he had and expertise or knowledge to act, and even so, everybody praises him.

    In the sex department, the impressive graphics help a lot, but they only disguise the lack of content. There just one scene with each character, with three animations each, there are no variations, like cumming, or things like that, and not transitions between them. Basically each one is a loop of two seconds that repeats and doesn't even give you the option to control the speed in any way. The minigame wasn't well thought and make you keep your eyes at the HUD at the corner of the screen instead of the action itself. Yes, there is an option to just watch the scene, but as I said, it just a two second loop, it can get boring really quickly without other things happening, like some exciting text, which this game doesn't have.

    There is some extra stuff, but not much that worth it. And some of the girls are too kinky for my taste.

    Overall, I will give a 3/5 mostly because of the graphics that look really AAA.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a short and pretty solid game with stunning graphics. Not much can be said about the story without spoiling important elements , but the game is more sex-focused rather than story-oriented so that won't make much of a difference. The sexual contents are clearly enjoyable. The mini-game in sex scenes is just enough to make things challenging and the rewards feel worthwhile. Of course, as you progress in game the fetch quests can grow tedious, but you still need to complete them to unlock the most stuff.

    I don't have a favorite among the girls as they aren't that fleshed out for such a short game. The fact that some girls are not that important plot-wise is a bit disappointing. I also wasn't a fan of every girl being unsympathetic, or at least hard to become invested in. These shortcomings are however fine by me as I didn't download the game for compelling stories or deep characterizations. It's certainly worth the effort to unlock character sexual contents for their style, but don't expect anything more.

    This game somehow reminds me of works by Lessons of Passion, - albeit with even better animations (in my opinion anyway), in that whatever plot elements that exist only serve as excuses for more sex. I don't complain over sex, but I certainly complain over being disappointed. I might get the sequel when it comes out, if not only for the sex scenes. I doubt there will be much replaying value though, much like how I can watch a porn video and completely forget about it an hour later.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Boring busywork for a few CGs, grind grind grind

    The story makes absolutly no sense, it is overcomplicated, and uninteresting
    The characters are cliché, antipathic, and full of pointless attitudes
    The gameplay revolves around fedex quests and grinding the dialogues to find the responses that they want to hear.
    Also there is a "minigame" to make the scene progress. That was nice 15 years ago, now it's just grind.

    It's a shame because the girls are well done and the graphics very good, but grinding several hours for 20 CGs is wasted time.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    gived a try on legit steam version.

    well, i make it honest and simple with positives and negatives points.

    + beauty renders
    + various girls
    + nice environments
    + nice concept
    + animated chars

    - girls are all overexaggerated, fake tits, fake ass, fake face, everything is fake, feel fake and smell fake. the tits of the girls defy gravity as much as their expression define pleasure.
    - boring and emptyness. let's be honest, its clic, clic, clic clic and look around without even fucking know what you are suppsoed to do.
    - the dialogs are mediocre at best. not the devs big point for sure.
    - game is bigger looking than it actually is.
    - the UI is nice but seriously lack of mood. feel like the UI is out of place.

    in global, that game could have been nice, but it lack fun and its not something i can stay attracted too, its boring fast due to lack of things happening. the chars show no expression and feel completly fake as fuck.
    outside of the renders, the game itself didnt worth a try at all.
    if there is a way to rip off the cgs and animation, then better do this than playing the game, you'll lost nothing.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr Sandman

    - First the animations are simply of the best I have seen so far in this games here
    - Renders are fantastic, one of the best I've seen in an adult game
    - you can't access all rewards in multiple playthroughs but you get to see only those recived in most recent one
    - good music and sound
    - There were initially some issues in the game like only one save per chapter but they were fixed in an update.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Very lovely GIRL models, but that is also the only thing this game has going for it. Beyond the fact that the men are just ugly and look like boring same-old douchebags, the entire game is just hellish to play. There's only a save point on a particular point in the "map", the interface is clunky and slow AT ITS BEST and the animations aren't even all that to write home about, they are very clearly very repetitive. Truly unplayable.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Its a boring point and click adventure
    no intention to play it more then once

    the girls look terribel perfect
    so unnatural made, its disgusting

    the dialogs are boring also
    I havent seen such bad writing in a long time

    the game is not fun at all, no good riddles
    just talk to the titts and next chapter

    talk to the titts again and next chapter