Others - Completed - Cockwork Industries: Complete Edition [v4.19] [Digital Seductions]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Trying to pleasure those girls.... too hard you loose ur boner before u even finish with them and adventure more, too litlle and too hard for a main course of the game could use more choices and some more lenght on the history and stuff
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Update: Aaaaaaand the MC look is chosen for you and any attempts to ask for some variety that might fit the user more is met in these forums by fanbois with the most ridiculous assertions outside of a speech at UC Berkley of "you must be racist if you want the MC to look like you!". Dropping another star for the sheer SJW ridiculousness of the fanbase.

    Old: I won't be the first one to say this (I probably won't be in the first ten to say this in a review here) but, talk about a 'game' where insanely good renders are wrecked by a terrible game experience. If this was Renpy it would be cusping a four but as it is, the beautiful art in this game is gated behind something that is just barely playable for what you get.
    4-5 of 5 for the Renders, 1 of 5 for the playing, kind of a 2 overall, if anyone ever just cg rips this they will be a god among us lesser internet men.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Someone should tell the developers that you cannot have such great graphics and make one of the worst games ever seen. This game in RenPy would be fantastic, yet they used their own solution that completely ruins the user experience. The minigames are nonsense, the saving system is pratically non-existent, the story and dialogues are silly and boring, UX is crap. I really cannot understand this because the images are so beautifully made, very skilled, and everything else is not simply unprofessional, but made to waste time and efforts to the player.
    I longly appreciated their arts and comics, then they made this game and I really struggle to think how could they produce this nightmare.

    Graphics: 9/10
    Everyting else: 2/10
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    My opinion about Cockwork Industries: The Insider

    - Renders are fantastic, one of the best I've seen in an adult game
    - The menu and other HUD stuff look great
    - Game sounds and music are good
    - Story is okay

    - Only 1 save slot which forces you to start the game over and over to see all the stuff
    - Can't skip text/scenes, even if you are replaying the game
    - Takes waaay too much time to unlock everything
    - The "Gallery mode" on the menu doesn't save all previously unlocked CG if you start a new game

    Rating: What can I say, the game has huge problems but I can't consider this a 3 star game when the renders look like that. 4 out of 5.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is not so good. The girls look good, really, but this is where the advantages of the game end. The gameplay is extremely boring. When it comes to sex scenes, then:
    1) Each playthrough is strictly limited to sex with only one character, and the scene consists of only three animations. For an hour, at best, the player gets one sex scene and a few interesting things like masturbation, flash tits and lesbian exposure. For get more, the player is again forced to start from the beginning (well, if kept rationally, then the divergence of the paths will begin only from 2 days, but the first one will still pass very quickly) and go through these boring gameplay.
    2) The sex scenes themselves are completely linear and the player cannot influence them at all. There is a silly mini-game, but it’s just annoying. I'm sure the players want to choose where the sex scene goes, not play dumb mini-games during a static scene. In addition, the scenes are completely devoid of dialogue, it's just animations that start and end abruptly.
    I went through the game three times, got the endings of Maia, Kyoko and Lucy. Enough for me, the game is simply not worth it to go through this boring gameplay again. It’s not that I’m very disappointed, I’ve waited around for it as I know this type of game very well. Many clicks, little sex.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Let me start... First the animations are simply of the best I have seen so far in this games here... second the game is incredible the girls are hot , story is awesome....The game itself , like menus and interactive things are very well done , thought the save game its reduced to one point that is ok but could be better, graphics are incredible ....Love this game so far...
  7. 1.00 star(s)



    1- Renders are probably the best aspect of this game, and it clearly shows.


    1- Limited Save System, requiring multiple complete playthroughs
    2- No ability to skip previously seen content
    3- Extremely poor gameplay, inserting very annoying interactive mini-games at the most crucial scenes of an adult game, and while "simplified mode" partially resolves this problem dev made sure that if you want to 100% this game, you're compelled to complete the game in "adventure mode" with mini-games ON.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Characters look beautiful and writing is solid.

    What ruins "Cockwork" for me is the gameplay. Be prepared for lots of trial & error, you will be clicking everything on each screen multiple times. Dialog choices are a plus, but having a very limited saving system makes them tedious after a while if you're not using a guide.

    Shame this wasn't a visual novel. As is, I'm gonna have to give it a 2/5.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is fun and I really like characters! Fun thing is that you can't access all rewards in multiple playthroughs but you get to see only those recived in most recent one, which is cool, but game could keep records of scenes already played so you can skip them.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    John Doe 100

    This game has by far the best character models and renders I've ever seen in an erotic sex game. Everything about the environment and characters looks stunningly gorgeous. The sex scenes are absolutely great thanks to how incredibly detailed and breathtaking the visuals of the sexy models are. Rita's sexy latex suit, Andrea's bouncing big tits, Kyoko's dick-sucking red lips, Lucy's pretty PAWG ass, Maia's cute petite tits, Diego's tasty six pack muscles, Dwayne's yummy looking BBC (always a great big bonus for a bisexual like me to see ravishing sexy women AND muscular hung studs ravaging those lucky ladies with their tasty big cocks), and the Android Girl's futa cock all made the horndog in me very happily pleased. ;)

    There were some issues with the minigames and saving. Thankfully, those have been addressed and fixed in the plus edition. I praise the game developers for listening to criticism and improving their game upon that criticism. That's something that should always be applauded.

    All in all, I give this game 5 stars. It gave me many great wanks, and left my balls empty and dry for a while, which is the main goal of any erotic sex game: titillating the players and making them horny.

    I'm looking forward to have fun (and boners) with the upcoming DLC and future games made by the wonderful gentleman at Digital Seductions. :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    There were initially some issues in the game like only one save per chapter but they were fixed in an update. The renders are amazing and the story is actually quite good too and i think this game should definitely have a higher rating than it does. This game still needs multiple saves though.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 763289

    Fantastic design of all, I mean it. You want to have sex with all the female in game and if you don’t – you go insane, seriously. A beautiful and crazy and dangerous set of femme fatales – what can possibly anything go wrong with MC? The game is so attractive so I easily give an excellent rating.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Absolutely gorgeous renders, held back by poor gameplay. The Plus edition solves most, but not all of the concerns. If you like 3D animation, this really is top-notch visually. Was expecting same old LOP 2 second sex scenes being looped, but this is definitely an improvement.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The best looking girls and renders in the market. Short story with bad buggy saves and multiple branches with no option to explore all ...and a horrendous minigame system made it nearly unplayable until the Plus version took the minigames away and fixed saves. This is a pioneering project in adult games and other games will have benchmark now.

    Hope the Dev starts up a patreon and steadily build up a fully realised game , bcoz the girls have so much potential.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    While the renders are stunning, the gameplay is about as monotonous and boring as porn gets. Even though the sex scenes look great, it's simply not worth the massive effort and time sink. Jesus, this game is dryer than Melania Trump's pussy
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall pretty good renders and porn, but the user interface and the lack of the convenient RenPy save system (I can't go back to older scenes if I complete one playthrough, I have to start over every time) and the lack of rollback really made it annoying at parts.
    Not to mention the lack of option to skip a scene once it has started it. Not even in simplified mode.
    The game makes me replay it 5-6 times, I don't want to sit/click through the same lesbian orgy scene several times, even if it's good. From which btw there isn't a way to opt out of, despite being offered the choice several times. The fake options to not see it would've been cute, if the actual scene would've been skippable, but since it's unskippable it's an extra insult.
    "You're replaying the game for the 5th time now? How about skipping this scene? I'd totally understand if you didn't want to watch it for the 5th time now. Oh you want to skip it? Great! Nevermind. Fuck you. Shut up and sit down!"
    And the ending minigame of clicking the buttons was the most annoying garbage. It's a fake game where if you don't even attempt to play it it wins automatically after like a minute of waiting. But it has to be attempted 4-5 times in order to count. From what I could tell no matter what I did it had no impact on the outcome of that stupid minigame. It's even included in the simplified mode which is nuts.
    It's also fishy why I had to navigate to their website to see/save the video of each scene once I've beaten the game. They're downloadable but why couldn't they just be in the game files? Is the dev trying to gather info on the people who pirate it? Perhaps do something malicious on our computer? That's not right.
    And the secret image/scenes are only available for each playthrough. Once I start a new one, they're gone. It goes against any reasonable logic for including an achievement system, and it certainly can't hold a candle to RenPy's save system.
    Overall 2/5 only for their top tier quality of renders and their future potential, otherwise the actual gameplay was a 1/5 and if their next game won't be in RenPy I won't even bother to pirate it. It's not worth my time and the lack of transparency with that weird shit with having to navigate to their website is suspicious.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Rayor

    I only discovered the game after the patch and simplified mode with a guide. So I loved it. My only complaint is the inability to make the MC white, asian, or hispanic. Though I totally understand the extra work in having to do this, it would be nice. Great game. Fantastic models.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    quickly (30/50) average game

    the story(5/10)
    the render(10/10)
    the animation (5/10)
    decisions (6/10)

    about the game

    --[the story] 5/10
    not the type of story that make you think what will happen next
    not that much and there are many many other games with better story

    --[render] 10/10
    wow just wow is enough because words will not describe that miracle
    i really think it takes along time from them to make it perfect like that
    -by the way it's the first game i give 10/10 render

    --[animation] 5/10
    what can i say ??making the perfect animation then ruin it with shitty minigames
    so you have the animation in front of you but you cannot just watch them because there is
    some shitty minigames require alot of your brain energy

    so the animation 8/10 but th mini games made it 5/10

    --[decisions] 6/10
    i don't really like the point system
    when you have to make the right decision to collect points and open H-secenes at the end
    but it's better that forcing me about some thing i don't like

    --[sexscenes] 4/10
    every girl in this game contain at least 2 sex position so it's good
    but again what is the reason of the minigames during sex scenes
    oh i know to distract me so i don't try to Mastu .. aah whatever

    so sexscenes i give it 7/10 but because of it's ruined by minigames 4/10is more than enough

    additional information
    [playtime] about 2 -3 hours depend on you

    -this game require you to read everything to know what you should do next take care with that
    -this game contain gay sex scenes (you will be the one who fuck not the one who getting fucked
    -so this game one of the best animated and rendered but the minigames ruined it
    that's it
    my rating system
    (41-50/50) excellent
    (31-40/50) good
    (21-30/50) average
    (11-20/50) poor
    (0-10/50) terrible
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This could've been amazing, if it wasn't made so poorly. The scenes all seem nice, but I can't focus on them because the minigames require your attention and take so long to complete that any erection I had is gone by the time I beat the minigames. The minigames were also very finnicky and half the time I would do them correctly but the progress bar wouldn't open up. There isn't even an in-game option to replay the scenes, you just get linked to a website where you watch a video of the scene. You're also only allowed one save, and you can't load previous saves, which means you'll probably have a decent chunk of backtracking if you don't do it all in one sitting. If you accidentally make a wrong choice and save, you have to start the game all over again just to change your decision.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Awesome graphics and good story so why I give the lowest rating possible?
    Given that the game doesnt shy over bad paths replaying/loading is a must !!!
    The save system + awful minigame combo makes replaying the game a test to patience that would make most ppl just uninstall right on the spot...

    To fix this the devs need to make 2 major changes:
    1-Let u keep various saves at various points
    2-This is the most important point by far-Remove the god awful minigames, theyre so bad they just make ppl uninstall the game, or at least have a skip option...