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VN - Ren'Py - Uncontrollable Lust [v0.12b Reworked] [Funny Desires]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    There is so much content in this game and it is still not finished. A lot of effort has been put into it and i appreciate it.
    You are building a harem and have to protect it. Also it seems as if you lost some of your memories and have superpowers. The story is a little weird but still enjoyable. One of the best games here.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    1. Story. Very, very weak, plot twists are unconvincing, and too cliched.2/10

    2. Characters. The problem is the same as with the plot - lack of any deep development. The female characters in general seem to be brainless, their only task in this life is to sit on the MC's dick. None of the many characters evoke any interest or the slightest sense of empathy. The only thing that saves them is the pretty faces. 2/10

    3. Engagement. Due to the reasons stated above, it is impossible to say that VN is at least in the slightest degree able to hold attention - what is happening on the screen causes nothing but boredom. 1/10

    4. Graphics. It looks archaic, on UHD monitor in full screen mode it's impossible to pass this VN - the picture blurs. I understand, the game was developed long ago, but many games of the same period in terms of graphics look more worthy. 3/10

    5. Sound. It would be better not to have it. 1/10

    6. Sexual content - there's more than enough of that in there. If there is anything in this project, it is sex, sex and only sex. Its abundance gets boring rather quickly and ceases to arouse any interest to the bodies moving on the screen (I can't call them characters). 4/10

    To summarize. Can I recommend this VN ? Only to those who are interested only in the sexual component and who are not interested in the plot, detailed dialogs at all.

    If you, in addition to sex, need an interesting, well-designed plot component, deeply drawn characters with all the bouquet of nuances of interpersonal relationships, then this visual novel (it's hard to call this project a game) is not for you. Do not waste your time and space on your HDD or SSD.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    I did kinda like the start of the story but not the deamon lust part its been an overused plot for a million games now and theres no real point in it not even for this story and it only gets more and more crazy which just dident do anything for me, it was just to boring.

    It dosent help that any girl that MC just touch will drop on her knees almost begging to get fucked by him, forget relationship build up there are none, forget ever feeling anything for anyone since you will never really know them.

    Also i really just hate forced LIs so having some weird bimbo wife with idioticly huge tits forced on you is just not fun and she should have been an ex-wife from the start so players could pick to make up with her or not.

    Next issue is when story just dosent follow your choices, thats another thing i hate, when the wife comes home with the daughter and you turn down the wife in the bathroom, MCs sister tells MC he had fun with hes wife first instend of her and MC agrees and says he he couldent resist hes wife in the bath? and thats when picking "dont have sex with her"

    More of the same when you click no to check someone out and the girl next to MC starts thinking "MC sure has been checking out mom" and apprently hes gotten a boner as well from clicking NOT checking her out...??

    Game is also aimed for people with big tit fetish which i dont have, i find it nothing but a turn-off, so having a bimbo wife was just no good.

    Dialogs can be very cringy to read, doing sex scenes it just get to be to much at times.

    Girls 2/5
    Way to big a focus on big tit feitsh so the diversity in builds is truely awfull, plenty of cute faces but for those not into big and huge tits they get ruined by that.

    Animations 2/5
    Very simple animations, i saw one half decent animation where a virgin showed blood, but thats a one time thing every virgin after that is just a basic boring sex scenes like 95% of the others in game.
    So it feels like they took the lazzy route in the animation departmemnt.

    Music 0/5
    Silent game which is more boring, a few sound effect that is also a mess and plays on long after scene is done.

    Choices 2/5
    You can turn down or avoid fucking almost everyone if not all, you can even turn down the wife for sex but story fucks up in dialogs like you did have sex so its a bit of a mess and stuff like that happens multiple times where choices dont line of with story.

    On a side note the cute redhead you see on page one is not really part of the game, its a sister to MCs wife that you see in a short flashback, why MC dident marry her instend i dont know shes so much better looking then the wife and maybe one of the best looking ones in game, so not having her in the story at all is a bit of a let down and she shouldent really be shown on page 1.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Not the best game out here, not the best graphics or animations. But the reason I am giving it 4 star because it justifies the title Uncontrollable lust. The MC is an alpha male who gets what he wants. Lots of sex, lots of girls. Graphics are outdated as this game is very old. I remember playing it on Android 2 years ago. Story mid. But the sexz covers it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Visually this VN is a mixed bag. Some models look fine, some bad, some just weird. It's like pieces for different VNs were cobbled together.

    The writing is bad. The story line, such as it is is nonsensical. Basically it's just one sexual encounter after another with an MC who can't keep his dick in his pants. He seems to also have developed a magical penis suddenly for mysterious reasons that allows him to have non stop sex. Forget any character development and anything like that, the MC meets a women and 2 minutes later they're having sex. Frankly it gets a little boring and tedious.

    This also commits the sin of making you click on a choice when there is only one choice. It's unnecessary and just adds more clicking.

    Just not a very good VN.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are okay, but inconsistent. MC is having his way with Valentina in bed and she bounces back and forth between having a doll's level of makeup on and minimalist makeup on depending on what render is showing at the time. The Valentina character is fun to look at, but that's distracting. Some characters look kind of silly. For instance, while Mia is a beautiful character model, she has this kawaii headset on which is cute... at first. But she wears it everywhere. Even when she's in normal conversation with other characters and you know it's not connected to another device, there it is. Why? We get it, she's the MC's daughter, she's supposed to have this nubile look... but the model doesn't need a pastel-colored kitty headset to sell that. Everything is just so... over the top for no real reason.

    The story is stupid bordering on comical. The prologue seemed good until the MC left home, then it got kind of weird. MC can be part of a gang, but why does that gang dress like a national military? Unless they're female gang members, in which case they should dress kind of slooty. After the actual story begins, most of the story is comical but suddenly the MC has to go to university? This doesn't make any sense.

    Also, why is today the day the MC's dick becomes A Mighty Rod™ and why did his libido finally become one with the singularity today of all days and turn him into a cum machine? Because let's be honest, he could've kept going with Debra (or Valentina or anyone really) had the muscles not simply gotten sore. Clearly the pump was primed, but the motor wasn't working anymore.

    I'm going to give it two stars to this point. On the one hand, the story for this is so comically bad it almost comes back around to being good again, but it's just so stupid that gives me a headache. The developer clearly needs an editor (lots of technical writing issues) and a new writer (lots of creative writing issues; lay off the psychedelics). Not saying the developer won't have improved that as there's still a few versions of gameplay between where I am now and up-to-current for that to change... but as the current version is "reworked," I'm inclined to say the dev likely missed a few things.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Not really much to say.

    MC is a Gigachad Thundercock.
    He gets all the pussy and fucks all the pussy.
    He is basically a god.

    Story makes little to no sense, at least not yet. We know not enough and MC has amnesia.

    This is still an amazing power fantasy.
    The dev needs a proof reader though.
    The game is also animated which is always a plus.

    If you like harem and impregnating every female in a 10 mile radius then go for it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    Not even going to try defend the plot as it makes no attempts a serious plot. This here is just ridiculous fantasy I'm gonna bang anything that moves and it now belongs to me mentality the good Gotta Catch 'em All phrase comes to mind. However, it works because unlike other VNs it doesn't even attempt to take itself seriously. There's no attempts at dangling a carrot in your face of some dark secret or some other convoluted plot. It does lose a point because for a game like this the models could use a little bit more refinement.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Uncontrollable Lust v 0.11
    Score: 5/5
    Teen (y)
    Maledom(y) (Not bdsm-esq)

    Amount of content (X scenes)(y)
    Animation(y) <--- Some of them are not great, but forgivable for the content provided
    Models(y) <-- Honestly some of them could be a bit better face wise, but not game breaking for me
    Story - who cares (honestly not too bad, but not the focus of the game)

    I love this dev's works and you will too if you enjoy the list above.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Tuatha Dé

    One of the few games that really aroused my lust, it has a good design, the narrative could be better but it's fine and we'll wait to see how it handles the powers.
    Some of the sex scenes could use some dialogue to make them seem longer.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This one makes me ashamed that I got through the whole thing. I kept thinking what the fuck dev are you trying to one up the last absurdity??

    I liked that this wasn't just a big breast fetish gone wrong but that there are a couple of petite girls.

    The story overall is ok but where it falls apart is that there are numerous logic failures throughout, sequences that don't make sense or dialogues that don't jive well at all. The dialogue itself is either mechanical or formal and there is no individuality amongst the characters. I have noticed handfuls of games that have a very similar writing style, it's almost like getting word counts is more important than having a meaningful dialogue. I could have been fine with the logic skips if the dialogue was more informal.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    First I'll admit that I didn't follow the story. As a lewd game, this game delivers very good sex scenes, nice animations which are accompanied by sound effects, variety of girls and a pretty nice harem overall. Really enjoyed it, too bad it's abandoned.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    There is stupid, then there is Plan 9 From Outer Space stupid. "Uncontrollable Lust" easily takes the cake here as being so stupid that it's almost fun again. And one is almost tempted to applaud the dev for the unabashed stupidty at display.

    The story is an incomprehensible mess about gang wars, corrupt police, secret societies and an MC that for no apparent reason suddenly has magic powers roughly halfway through the story and can teleport and make his arm glow and kill people barehanded. Whatever...

    After some exposition and a flashback that is barely comprehensible (Engrish does not help here) the "story" gets going when the MC sees how a co-worker's wife is about to get raped by two creeps (one of them literally looks like the Joker from the Arkham games...), the MC finishes them off with his amazing fighting skills and saves the grateful wife of his colleague.
    Once in safety the woman who barely escaped rape does what any woman in that situation will do... she has sex with the MC who then goes on and gives her about half a dozen orgasms, with the MC coming inside her as many times.
    Apparently one of his secret powers is that he does not go limp after climax and can keep on going and going and going and going and going... the first sex scene lasts almost forever to the point that you have to admire the dedication the dev put into this first scene.

    Out of morbid curiosity I kept on clicking and (with the patch applied from the in game menu) and the VN turns into your typical MC does 'em all festival.
    He does the sister of the co-worker's wife (who also needs saving from some creeps), lusts after her mother, his sister (who looks a bit like a dead corpse due to her pallid skin tone) for no apparent reason has had the hots for him all these years and of course the two have sex a few times after almost zero build-up.
    There is also sex with the MC's wife of course, with a nurse in a hospital who happens to be the wife of the Joker lookalike rapist who is then killed by the MC, a hotel receptionist who stole the MC's credit card (don't ask), the daughter of the MC's lady boss also can't resists the MC's charms after getting kind of saved from some creep in a bar, the lady boss gets a bit fooled around with as well later and the daughter helps the MC with that because of some blackmail scheme she has come up with (don't ask), then there are a few others, like Scarlett, the girlfriend of some gang hotshot who leaves said gang leader because the MCs cock is just too amazing.

    Eventually the MC's daughter and her young female friend enter the scene and of course the female friend immediately lusts after the MC and it doesn't take long before he takes her virginity (she is not the only virgin in this VN of course) and as it turns out the very pretty daughter has secretly been lusting after her father all this time as well and he's her masturbation fantasy (of course), but the VN stops before there is more action between those two.

    Shortly before the game comes to a stop there is yet another girl the MC saves from certain rape (well, kind of, the police chief offers her as some token of appreciation or whatever and the MC is supposed to take her against her will to seal some deal or so, I had stopped paying attention at that point) and of course the girl (a virgin) is so grateful for her rescue that shortly after she lets him have his way with her so she can become a woman...

    And let's not even talk about slutty looking female police officers, some mysterious Asian lady with magic powers who appears in one scene and can conjure up scythes from thin air, the memory loss the MC suffers from for some weird reason, the female leader of some girls only gang wearing all leather, who has some backstory with the MC, but he doesn't remember her because of previously mentioned memory loss ...

    Uncontrollable Lust is plain madness. The "story" is just ridiculous, there is almost zero build-up for any of the sex scenes. I suppose people who have very little patience for dialogue, don't care for the story and mostly use the CTRL key to get to the good parts will have a party with this game.

    On a technical level the renders are mostly ok, early on things can look a bit wonky, with dead stares and characters that are clearly just superimposed on the backgrounds (there are no shadows etc), but this dramatically improves over the course of the VN and later chapters look really good.
    The female characters are pretty, even if the sister looks like an undead vampire (hot vampire though), there are also various darker skinned women in this game, most of them look Indian or Middle Eastern. Two females appear to share the exact same DAZ model though, only with different hair.
    That being said Uncontrollable Lust is one of those VNs that features these grey textured mannequins for many NPCs, sometimes even for those that have somewhat larger roles with dialogue, only the important side characters are fully rendered.

    The game has a metric ton of animations which range from ok to really good, they start out pretty ok right out of the gate but also get better as the VN progresses. The dev certainly honed his technical skills. Too bad he cannot tell a coherent story that makes any sense.

    So... if you are in the mood for some Plan 9 From Outer Space levels of stupidity then Uncontrollable Lust can give you a fun and silly experience for a few hours. The VN is also not very long, so you don't have to suffer too much and the stupidity ends before it entirely wears out its welcome.

    If you want a story that makes sense, characters that are not just sex toys and if you like at least some resemblance of tension and build-up (or even some romance) it's best to avoid this. Chances are Uncontrollable Lust will make your brain hurt.

    And someone who doesn't care for any of that and just wants to get to the "good" bits without too much bother... well, have fun! You will probably not be disappointed.

    But in my opinion a good VN should make sense and should have characters that are not just paper thin sex dolls. Thus 2 stars from me. 5 stars however for the dev's panache! Ed Wood would probably be very proud!
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Good renders,pretty hot models, average story but most impressive of all are animations, even though it's kinda generic but better that most 3dcg vn's out here. Take few extra weeks if required, little more focus on story and content quantity and we are good to go. Looking forward.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is a lit!!!!!!
    I've played it since Version 6.0
    It is seriously a wet dream for a harem lover like me.
    If you talk about its renders, it drastically improves at a point
    And it loooks like it's gonnna improve further in the coming updates.
    Waiting for a new update....
    If it's possible Dev should increase the update rates.
    Hope to get a few more games like this from the Dev
    You should bring pregnancy in the picture Asap,dear Dev!!!!
  16. 4.00 star(s)



    This score is entirely based on the more recent updates of this game. At some point (around the first H scene with Scarlett), the game improves in all aspects quite dramatically.

    I actually played this game on first release and had the same reactions as most reviews giving it a low score. The dead eyes, janky animations, no dialogue during scenes, Engrish, pretty weak writing in general, etc etc. It wouldn't be more than a 2 star if we base it on the early parts of the game.

    I kind of like seeing such drastic improvements in a dev's craft as the game goes on. It feels a bit like watching your puppy grow or something lol. The animations get better. The sex scenes get WAY better. It's no longer just a series of janky animations with no dialogue, but proper scenes with sex dialogue that runs alongside the animations. Renders, models, poses, expressions, its all much better in the later portions of the game.

    It's quite clear that the dev got a proofreader or an editor, because the level of English improves significantly as well. The story itself is kind of all over the place when we consider everything from the start to the end of current content, but it has some interesting aspects to it as well. It's certainly not the most nuanced story with great narrative structure, but it's something.

    One thing is for certain. This is not a slow burn romance or anything of the sort. It's a male power fantasy Chad McGee fuck em all harem game. It delivers on that front. It knows what it wants to be and does a decent job of delivering that. The game is unabashedly a fap game, and a pretty good one at that in the more recent updates.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    So I came here from My Employee Family and honestly this game is up to par if not better. Yes some of the earlier renders aren't so great but the latest updates have all been really good. The story is kind of similar to Midlife Crisis, just rough around the edges and with superpowers. This game has quite the roster of girls available to play around with while also being a fulfilling power fantasy. Only thing this game is lacking compared to MEF is probably the lack of a pregnancy feature, but overall it's a good game and you should take a shot at it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this badass MC so much. He has some kinda superpower and kick asses of punks lol while sleeping. (It is funny those punks come out from no where though) It contains incest contents which I like. The young girl and wify are gorgeous too. Animation for sex scenes is a bit awkward, but that does not make this make worthy at least 4 stars/5.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly don't get the hate for this game. It does exactly what it sets out to do. It's a harem game with an overpowered protagonist. It checks both those boxes without question. The writing is decent if off sometimes, but it doesn't distract from the game itself.

    The cons are minor in my opinion and don't detract from the overall experience. The most obvious is the fact that the countless goons/soldiers/nobodies are just that, not worth rendering and instead faceless figures. Since that seems to be the biggest whine of some, I'll give my two cents. In truth, that "con" is a plus to me. There is no reason to render every single thug or soldier if they're just going to get their ass kicked or die in the scene they appear. It's a waste of resources. So, faceless is a plus, because their inclusion still shows off how powerful the MC is without bogging the player down with useless visual stimuli. I don't give a flying fuck about thug009 if he's about to die.

    The pros are obvious. It's a harem game, with beautiful women, and you play a badass. You don't know why he's godly, but as the story progresses you find out he doesn't know why either. He just is. That does the game justice, because it lets the player learn about the MC alongside the MC himself. He has no memory of his past, and yet that past keeps popping up unbeknownst to him. I find it intriguing and appealing.

    All in all, I'd say this game is probably a 4.5, but I'll kick it up to a 5 because it actually ticks my harem itch like no other game. It's entertaining and worth a try.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The game feels weird to play and I can't put my finger on why. Like there's nothing WRONG with the game outright, but there's enough things there which make your mind go "huh that's odd" to make it add up to an peculiar gaming experience.

    The women look good from a distance but up close, and in the sex scenes they feel incredibly wooden. The first girl you have sex with in some scenes looks dead and that... that's not a good look. Kinda staring off camera, no expression on her face. Or lying there and her arms at a weird angle. It could be it's meant to show her holding you but with no male model in the shot it looks like she's broken her arm.

    Beyond that, early on you meet two other guys and they look like they were pulled from a Saturday morning cartoon. That could be intentional but it looks... weird.

    And the dialogue really stands out. Like it's not bad English, which can happen and certainly doesn't make a game not fun to play, but it's weird to read. Like early on there's a bit where you hit a lad and his pal is dragging him away and he says "YOU BETTER REMEMBER THIS WE WILL BE BACK!!!!" I mean... I understood the words and I understood the meaning but it's not how I would have worded it. Like the dialogue is kinda wooden. I think there's a bit when the MC is having sex with the woman who was almost raped (like you do apparently....) and he says "ARGH!! I ejaculated again!" Like... dude... I understand the meaning but it reads like a computer wrote it.

    Beyond that it's very middle of the road. There are animations there but they're janky as hell, especially when you're given the option of going faster. It just makes the MC look like he's trying to cut through a bit of wood with a blunt saw.